Journal article
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Petrikova, I. (2008). Post-Crisis Microfinance Literature Review.
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Petrikova, I. “Post-Crisis Microfinance Literature Review” (2008).
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Petrikova, I. Post-Crisis Microfinance Literature Review. 2008.
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title = {Post-Crisis Microfinance Literature Review},
year = {2008},
author = {Petrikova, I.}
This paper summarizes the existing literature related to post-conflict and post-disaster microfinance. Setting the tone, it first describes the effects of crises on both clients and microfinance institutions. It proceeds to explain the suggested microfinance practices during crises, as well as in their short- and long-term aftermath. Then it portrays the conflicts which exist within the policy recommendations and elucidates them via both content- and form- related critique of the literature. Finally, it concludes by identifying opportunities for new research in the field.